The Task before the Civil Service
1. With the new social-philosophy of the State, the civil servants
should shed their traditional class arid status consciousness and
create a living fellowship with-the common man. Officers dealing
with agriculture in a thana or district should physically work in the
field in peak transplanting or harvesting seasons; officers in other
nation-building departments' should' also likewise participate in field
work in their own areas. (Para 1.10)
The New Structure of the Civil Service
2.v There 'should be no classes in the Civil Sendee, nor any
reservation of posts except for obvious technical reasons. The
- division between the former All-Pakistan and other Central Superior
.Services and the corresponding former Provincial Services and between
higher and lower services should all be abolished./ All civil servants
should be organized in a :single classless Unified Grading Structure
carrying an appropriate number of different pay scales matching
different skills .and responsibility. The grading for each post should
be determined by an.analysis of-the.job and posts in the same grade
should carry the same pay scale-: (Paras 3.9 & 3.14) . 3. The total number of grades covering all posts from top to
bottom should be ten, The manner of entry into these various
grades and the recruitment aqd promotion..procedures are indicated
in the chart at Appendix I. _ (See also -Chapter on Recruitment).
An illustrative allocation of , various jposts between the different
grades is also given in the lists accompanying Appendix I. (Paras
3.16 & 3.18)