Composition of the Committee: As desired by the Chief
Martial Law Administrator a three-member committee was set
up to review a n i suggest the activities of Staff Training Institute
(STI) and Regional S.T.Is with Establishment Division’s Notification
Number EP(IT)/STI-15/83-419, dated the 31st May, 1983. Terms of reference of the Committee
a. To review the course contents of various courses of
STI/Regional STIs and suggest improvement.
b. To review the planning and programming of each course
including duration of courses with relation to the topics
and suggest improvement.
c. To review the existing system of control and coordination
of activities of the STI and Regional STIs and suggest
improvement with particular reference to the-ways and
means for maintaining uniformity of quality of training
in STI/RSTIs to ensure that the quality of training is
uniform in .the STI and the RSTIs. d. To examine the manpower position of STI/RSTIs with
relation to the number of clientele, courses, research
and other activities and suggest appropriate modification
in manpower position,
e. To examine and suggest the means for optimum utilisation
of the staff training resources of ffie country.
f. To examine the existing facilities for training in STI/
RSTIs and suggest necessary addition or alteration.
' g. To identify the various other problem-areas in training
of non-class I Government officials by STI/RSTIs and
make necessary suggestions.
,b... „To project financial implications in materialising the
"recommendations of the committee. The Report was to be submitted on June 15, 1983; but the
time was got extended iipto 30 June 1983.