1. In pursuance of the request by the Public Administration Reforms
Commission, Rector, BPATC formed a committee for determining the
modus operandi as to how the BPATC can provide advice/help to the Public.
Administration Reforms Commission.
2. The committee suggests sthe following modus operandi to formulate
recommendations op each of the major issues or any of the self contained
parts of it (such as Transparency, efficiency, dynamism etc.) in public
(a) Holding national worshops to be participated by workshop
contributors/participants which will comprise academicians, politicians and
people's representatives of the respective fields.
(b) Foundation Course trainees will fill in a questionnaire prepared in the, light
of the TOR of Public Administration Reforms Commission during their
week long field attachment. The committee suggests that the SSC and the
ACAD participants may be given topics selected from the TOR qf Public
Administration Reforms Commission to prespare seminar papers.-
(c) Committee also suggests that syndicatre study or seminar may be held on the
recommendations accrued upon (a), (b) and (c) to have more concrete and
pragmatic recommendations.
3. Accordingly 22 Joint Secretaries to the Government of Bangladesh who
participated in the 28th Senior Staff Course wrote 22 seminar papers on
their respective working places using the theme 'Reforms in Public
Administration'. The list of the seminar papers may be seen at Appendix-1.