At the last meeting of the Bengal Jute Enquiry Committee, i t
was agreed that the Chairman should write a short note explaining
the circumstances under which it was decided that two reports were
From the beginning, it was obvious that there were considerable
differences of opinion in respect of the first three terms of reference
to the Committee, but it was hoped that it would be possible to
compose the differences sufficiently to bring the opinions within the
compass of a single report. This hope seemed the more reasonable
because there was some measure of agreement iia regard to all three
of the terms of reference in question. On further discussion, however,
it became evident that the differences of opinion extended not only to
the ultimate goal which the respective members had in view, but also
to the method of presentation of the case.
Attempts to reconcile these conflicting attitudes having unfortunately
failed, it was regretfully decided, after discussion, .that the only
course open was to write two separate reports, -embodying the respective
views of the two groups into which the members were divided.