M r,A.B .M.G .Kibria , held charge of the Inspector-
General of Police throughout the year under renort# Addl.
Inspector-General of Police Mr,M.M.R.Khan and Mr.E.A.Chowdhury
held their offices throughout *the year. A new post of Addl*
Inspector-General of Police, Special Branch was created
€' i»ing the year and Mr*A .K.M.Ser* lul Haque,Deputy Inspeotor-
General of Police(HQ) joined the post on promotion on 1 8#4,80
Mj»#Muhammad Habibur Rahman, r e l ’ eved Mr#A.K.M.Serajul Haque,
Deputy Inspector-General of Police(HQj and held the •f f ic e
fer the remaining period of the year# A new pont bf Deputy
I»»p*ot«r»—Oeneral of Policefor the Armed Police Battalion waa
treated during the year and Mr».M#Azizul Haq joined the same
post on promotion on 18*4*80 and went abroad on 20#7*80 to
iit»derg» training, Mr.Abdul H^kim Khan, Superintendent of
Police, Chittagong Hill fracts, on promotion to the rank of
Deputy Inspector-General of Police, joined the post on
18.9 .80 and continued as such for the rest of the year under report