Capacity Building of Bangladesh Army Corps of Engineers in Nation Building Projects:

An Evaluation


  • Gazi Mosharrof Hossain Bangladeshi Army



Engineering Construction Battalion, Nation-building Projects, Capacity Building, Project Management, Bangladesh Army


Bangladesh Army Corps of Engineers contributes to various nation-building projects of Bangladesh where Engineering Construction Battalions (ECBs) play the lead role. Besides performing its regular job, ECBs at present day are greatly involved in various complex projects which put additional pressure on their existing capacity. Keeping this in mind, the major objective of this study is to analyze the contribution of ECBs in nation-building projects with their existing workforce and equipment . The key research objective of this paper is to show how capacity building of Bangladesh Army Corps of Engineers can enable them to contribute more in nation-building projects.  This study is based on content analysis of mostly secondary material. To substantiate this, a small quantity of Interviews, Focus Group Discussions and Case Study were also carried out.  The findings identified that ECBs are not self-sufficient enough to implement any nation-building projects without subcontracting with their existing manpower and equipment. Due to the simultaneous involvement of ECBs in regular as well as diversified nation-building projects, capacity building of ECBs is often overlooked which does not enable them to equip for future projects and higher requirements in the construction sector. Based on the findings of the research,  it was  recommended that ECBs may arrange regular capacity building  for their personnel to equip them well.

Author Biography

  • Gazi Mosharrof Hossain, Bangladeshi Army

    Brigade Major, Bangladesh Army, Headquarters 77 Infantry Brigade, Mymensingh Cantonment, Mymensingh








How to Cite

Capacity Building of Bangladesh Army Corps of Engineers in Nation Building Projects: : An Evaluation. (2021). Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, 29(1), 89-104.