Disaster Management, Development and Sustainability Nexus

Bangladesh perspective


  • Mohammad Tarikul Islam Jahangirnagar University
  • Mohammad Rezaul Karim Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre




Disaster Management, Disaster Risk Reduction, Community Exposure on Disaster Management, Disaster Vulnerability, Sustainable Development


Undeniably, disaster management certainly cuts across different aspects and sectors of sustainable development. Without implementation, policy frameworks for sustainable disaster management are a meaningless exercise that will impose float-up answers on top-down interpretations. Therefore, this effort will uncover the level of enforcement of legal obligations as well as the level of implementation of disaster management activities by the relevant disaster management institutions. National policy and strategies for integration of DRR in emergency preparedness, response and recovery programmes in the light of national level policies pertaining to the DRR for the reconstruction of affected communities are still remain challenge for the Government of Bangladesh to accelerate the paradigm shift from the relief culture to the DRR culture. Rural development has been identified as all efforts to improve the livelihoods of rural people such as change in rural productivity, employment opportunities, income and wealth distribution, social structure and social mobility, resource management, access to information, rural people's strength, health and education and so on. The success of rural development has been broadly measured by these changes and disaster management issues have been set aside.investment and sustainable development are under great threat due to frequent disasters. It is true that we need to work more diligently to reduce the risk of disasters. In line with the policy framework, this study also aims to assess the viewpoint on how political economy influence the government of Bangladesh on governance and institutional strengthening to help identify obstructions and opportunities for mainstreaming Disaster Management into development and how does governance work in the implementation of DM programmes in Bangladesh. 




How to Cite

Disaster Management, Development and Sustainability Nexus: Bangladesh perspective. (2022). Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, 30(3), 80-96. https://doi.org/10.36609/bjpa.v30i3.378